Interior del museo

The Museo de la Asegurada (Museum of la Asegurada) where this new MACA comes from, was inaugurated the 5th of November 1977. The Colección Arte Siglo XX (20th Century Art Collection), which was the main core of that first museum, was donated to the city of Alicante by Eusebio Sempere according to Acta de Donación, signed on the 30th of September 1978. The Generalitat Valenciana, through the Consellería de Cultura, Educación y Ciencia (Culture, Education and Science Ministry) recognised the museum as such according to the Orden de 6 de febrero de 1991, on the 4th of July 1994.

The new museum, which stemmed from la Asegurada and the rest of collections assigned to it, becomes established through the agreement of “Creación del Servicio Público del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante” passed in the Municipal Plenary Session of the 4th of June 2002. The new museum is recognised as Museo de la Comunidad Valenciana (Museum of the Valencian Community) according to what is established in the law called Ley 4/1998 of the 11th of June, created by the Generalitat Valenciana. This law included the MACA within the Patrimonio Cultural Valenciano (Valencian Cultural Heritage).

The museum was also proclaimed Museo de la Comunidad Valenciana in the Orden de 6 de febrero de 1991 of the Consellería de Cultura y Educación (Culture and Education Ministry) through the resolution of the 13th of December 2002, stating that the new museum will be called from that moment onwards Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante.

Ownership and management

The Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (Contemporary Art Museum, MACA) is a public institution that depends administratively on the Alicante City Council. The ownership of the funds is municipal and the Concejalía de Cultura (Culture Ministry) of the Alicante City Council is in charge of the museum administrative and economic management.

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